JS LOG: running test testBasic1 JS LOG: 1 + 1 = 2 JS LOG: running test testImporter1 JS LOG: running test testBasicBoxed JS LOG: running test testBasicMainloop JS LOG: running mainloop test JS LOG: mainloop test done JS LOG: running test testDanglingIdle JS LOG: running test testEmptyByteArray JS LOG: running test testInitialSizeByteArray JS LOG: running test testAssignment JS LOG: running test testAssignmentPastEnd JS LOG: running test testAssignmentToLength JS LOG: running test testNonIntegerAssignment JS LOG: running test testFromString JS LOG: running test testFromArray JS LOG: running test testToString JS LOG: running test testContext JS LOG: running test testContextMethods JS LOG: running test testSolidPattern JS LOG: running test testSurfacePattern JS LOG: running test testLinearGradient JS LOG: running test testRadialGradient JS LOG: running test testFrobateStuff JS LOG: Acquired name com.litl.Real JS LOG: ({hello:"world"}) JS LOG: running test testThrowException JS ERROR: !!! Exception was: Exception! JS ERROR: !!! Exception was a String JS LOG: running test testDoesNotExist JS LOG: running test testNonJsonFrobateStuff JS LOG: running test testNoInParameter JS LOG: running test testMultipleInArgs JS LOG: running test testNoReturnValue JS LOG: running test testEmitSignal JS LOG: running test testMultipleOutValues JS LOG: running test testOneArrayOut JS LOG: running test testArrayOfArrayOut JS LOG: running test testMultipleArrayOut JS LOG: running test testArrayOutBadSig JS ERROR: !!! Exception was: Error: JavaScript Array can't be converted to dbus type i JS ERROR: !!! lineNumber = '0' JS ERROR: !!! fileName = '"gjs_throw"' JS ERROR: !!! stack = '"("JavaScript Array can't be converted to dbus type i")@gjs_throw:0 testArrayOutBadSig()@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testDBus.js:478 gjstestRun()@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/modules/jsUnit.js:471 @/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testDBus.js:999 "' JS ERROR: !!! message = '"JavaScript Array can't be converted to dbus type i"' JS LOG: running test testSignatureLength JS LOG: running test testChangingSig JS LOG: running test testAsyncImplementation JS LOG: running test testLocalMachineID JS LOG: running test testGetReadOnlyProperty JS LOG: running test testSetReadOnlyPropertyFails JS LOG: running test testReadWriteProperty JS LOG: running test testWriteOnlyProperty JS LOG: running test testGetAllProperties JS LOG: running test testGetMessageContextAsync JS LOG: running test testByteArrays JS LOG: running test testBytes JS LOG: running test testStructArray JS LOG: 128,123456,42,654321 JS LOG: running test testDictSignatures JS LOG: running test testGetPropertySignatures JS LOG: running test testIntrospectRoot JS LOG: running test testIntrospectCom JS LOG: running test testIntrospectLitl JS LOG: running test testIntrospectReal JS LOG: running test testLifeUniverseAndEverything JS LOG: running test testLimits JS LOG: running test testNoImplicitConversionToUnsigned JS LOG: running test testBadConstructor JS LOG: running test testStrv JS LOG: running test testInAfterOut JS LOG: running test testUtf8 JS LOG: running test testFilenameReturn JS LOG: running test testStaticMeth JS LOG: running test testClosure JS LOG: running test testClosureOneArg JS LOG: running test testCallback JS LOG: running test testCallbackDestroyNotify JS LOG: running test testCallbackAsync JS LOG: running test testIntValueArg JS LOG: running test testValueReturn JS LOG: running test testGListOut JS LOG: running test testGListIn JS LOG: running test testGSListOut JS LOG: running test testGSListIn JS LOG: running test testArrayIn JS LOG: running test testArrayOut JS LOG: running test testGHashOut JS LOG: running test testGHashIn JS LOG: running test testNestedGHashOut JS LOG: running test testEnumParam JS LOG: running test testSignal JS LOG: running test testInvalidSignal JS LOG: running test testSignalWithStaticScopeArg JS LOG: running test testTortureSignature0 JS LOG: running test testTortureSignature1Fail JS LOG: running test testTortureSignature1Success JS LOG: running test testTortureSignature2 JS LOG: running test testObjTortureSignature0 JS LOG: running test testObjTortureSignature1Fail JS LOG: running test testObjTortureSignature1Success JS LOG: running test testStrvInGValue JS LOG: running test testVariant JS LOG: running test testStruct JS LOG: running test testStructConstructor JS LOG: running test testSimpleBoxed JS LOG: running test testBoxedCopyConstructor JS LOG: running test testNestedSimpleBoxed JS LOG: running test testBoxed JS LOG: running test testTestStructFixedArray JS LOG: running test testExportStuff JS LOG: Acquired name [object instance proxy GIName:Gio.DBusConnection jsobj@0x7f3ce79307e0 native@0x1f76f00] JS LOG: running test testInitStuff JS LOG: running test testFrobateStuff JS LOG: ({hello:{}}) JS LOG: running test testThrowException JS LOG: running test testDoesNotExist JS LOG: Missing handler for DBus method thisDoesNotExist JS LOG: running test testNonJsonFrobateStuff JS LOG: running test testNoInParameter JS LOG: running test testMultipleInArgs JS LOG: running test testNoReturnValue JS LOG: running test testEmitSignal JS LOG: running test testMultipleOutValues JS LOG: running test testOneArrayOut JS LOG: running test testArrayOfArrayOut JS LOG: running test testMultipleArrayOut JS LOG: running test testArrayOutBadSig JS LOG: running test testAsyncImplementation JS LOG: running test testBytes JS LOG: running test testStructArray JS LOG: 128,123456,42,654321 JS LOG: running test testDictSignatures JS LOG: running test testFinalize JS LOG: running test testCArray JS LOG: running test testGArray JS LOG: running test testByteArray JS LOG: running test testPtrArray JS LOG: running test testImporter JS ERROR: !!! Exception was: Error: This is an error that always happens on line 3 JS ERROR: !!! lineNumber = '5' JS ERROR: !!! fileName = '"/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/./test/js/modules/alwaysThrows.js"' JS ERROR: !!! stack = '"@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/./test/js/modules/alwaysThrows.js:5 "' JS ERROR: !!! message = '"This is an error that always happens on line 3"' JS ERROR: !!! Exception was: Error: This is an error that always happens on line 3 JS ERROR: !!! lineNumber = '5' JS ERROR: !!! fileName = '"/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/./test/js/modules/alwaysThrows.js"' JS ERROR: !!! stack = '"@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/./test/js/modules/alwaysThrows.js:5 "' JS ERROR: !!! message = '"This is an error that always happens on line 3"' JS LOG: running test testImporterMetaProps JS LOG: running test testImporterEnumerate JS LOG: running test testImporterEnumerateSkipHidden JS LOG: running test testImporterHidden JS LOG: running test testMutualImport JS LOG: running test testImporterFunctionFromInitFile JS LOG: running test testImporterClassFromInitFile JS LOG: running test testImporterEnumerateWithInitFile JS LOG: running test testLet JS LOG: running test testMultiReturn JS LOG: running test testYield JS LOG: running test testLet JS ERROR: !!! WARNING: 'let is a reserved identifier' JS ERROR: !!! WARNING: file '/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testJSDefault.js' line 6 exception 0 number 132 JS LOG: running test testYield JS ERROR: !!! WARNING: 'yield is a reserved identifier' JS ERROR: !!! WARNING: file '/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testJSDefault.js' line 10 exception 0 number 132 JS LOG: running test testCountProperties JS LOG: running test testCopyProperties JS LOG: running test testCopyPublicProperties JS LOG: running test testCopyGetterSetterProperties JS LOG: running test testBind JS LOG: running test testDefineAccessorProperty JS LOG: running test testToLocaleDateString JS LOG: running test testToLocaleLowerCase JS LOG: running test testToLocaleUpperCase JS LOG: running test testToLocaleCompare JS LOG: running test testInvalidStrings JS LOG: running test testTimeout JS LOG: running test testIdle JS LOG: running test testSimple JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' JS LOG: running test testDisconnectDuringEmit JS LOG: Received signal 'bar', disconnecting others JS LOG: running test testMultipleSignals JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' (handler 2) JS LOG: Received signal 'bonk' JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' (handler 2) JS LOG: running test testExceptionInCallback JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' (throwing exception) JS ERROR: !!! Exception in callback for signal: bar JS ERROR: !!! message = '"Exception we are throwing on purpose"' JS ERROR: !!! lineNumber = '120' JS ERROR: !!! fileName = '"/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testSignals.js"' JS ERROR: !!! stack = '"([object Object])@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testSignals.js:120 _emit("bar")@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/./modules/signals.js:124 testExceptionInCallback()@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testSignals.js:129 gjstestRun()@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/modules/jsUnit.js:471 @/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testSignals.js:139 "' JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' (handler 2) JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' (throwing exception) JS ERROR: !!! Exception in callback for signal: bar JS ERROR: !!! message = '"Exception we are throwing on purpose"' JS ERROR: !!! lineNumber = '120' JS ERROR: !!! fileName = '"/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testSignals.js"' JS ERROR: !!! stack = '"([object Object])@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testSignals.js:120 _emit("bar")@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/./modules/signals.js:124 testExceptionInCallback()@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testSignals.js:134 gjstestRun()@/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/modules/jsUnit.js:471 @/srv/sources/pkgs/gjs/gjs-1.30.0/test/js/testSignals.js:139 "' JS LOG: Received signal 'bar' (handler 2) JS LOG: running test testSimpleTween JS LOG: running test testOnFunctions JS LOG: running test testPause JS LOG: running test testRemoveTweens JS LOG: running test testConcurrent JS LOG: running test testPauseAllResumeAll JS LOG: running test testRemoveAll JS LOG: running test testImmediateTween JS LOG: running test testAddCaller JS LOG: running test testGetTweenCount JS LOG: running test testSpecialProperty JS LOG: running test testSpecialPropertyModifier